Arden's Way
It is Arden's way to give people hope.
She is my five year old daughter who has an extensive relationship with the NC Children's Hospital.
In her first few years of life, because of birth anomalies, Arden fought hard just to breathe. With one lung, her trachea reconstructed, and a part of her airway floppy, she was very fragile.
She had two cardiac arrests, 7 episodes where she had to be revived, had to have a trach and a feeding tube (g-tube). She was in the ICU for 6 months and on a ventilator for 6 weeks.
Today, she is in kindergarten, in dance and will be starting soccer in the Spring.
This hospital has helped Arden survive and thrive. Please help support the NC Children's Hospital and help make a difference in the lives of the children in our community.
-Arden's Mom Laurie
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